Republican-controlled legislatures in 35 states have introduced bills that could restrict the ability of citizens to protest. Today on All Sides with Ann Fisher: we examine the wave of anti protest legislation in the wake of the social justice movement sweeping the country.
One of the four bills that address the interaction between police and people on the streets, including protestors, could have stopped what’s become a common practice – videotaping cops on the job.
Protesters are scheduled to gather at the Ohio Statehouse on Saturday afternoon to demand police accountability.
A federal judge in Columbus has granted an injunction prohibiting Columbus police from using non-lethal force like tear gas or wooden bullets on non-violent protesters.
A team of Ohio State researchers is sharing results from their investigation into police conduct during last summer’s protests.
Politicians, religious leaders and community activists in Ohio's capital city are calling for protests to remain peaceful as a verdict nears in the trial in the death of George Floyd.
Columbus police pushed back protesters who tried to force their way into the downtown police headquarters Tuesday evening.
The police shooting of Black men — culminating with the death of 19-year-old Timothy Thomas — sparked days of civil unrest in Cincinnati in 2001. Protests, in some cases, turned destructive.
A Bail Project employee is suing the city of Cleveland and police officers over his arrest last year, saying his Downtown residency exempted him from the curfew order imposed after the May 30 demonstrations and rioting.
Separatist groups using the hag tag “White Lives Matter” are protesting throughout the nation this week including a gathering at the Ohio Statehouse.