Michael De Bonis
Digital Media ProducerMichael De Bonis develops and produces digital content including podcasts, videos, and news stories. He is also the editor of WOSU's award-winning Curious Cbus project. He moved to Columbus in 2012 to work as the producer of All Sides with Ann Fisher, the live news talk show on 89.7 NPR News.
He began his journalism career at WBEZ in Chicago with a production internship at the station's daily news magazine show. In subsequent years, he worked as a reporter and producer on several projects including the pop music talk show Sound Opinions. In 2011, he was awarded the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award for Excellence in Radio Reporting for his work as a producer on WBEZ’s science podcast Clever Apes.
Michael was born and raised in Rockland County, NY. He graduated in 2002 from Washington University in St. Louis with a BA in Philosophy. He lives in Clintonville with his wife and son.
Curious CbusIn the 1960s, the construction of shopping malls had a deep impact on the American economy. Downtown retail struggled as shoppers flocked to large indoor and outdoor shopping centers. Today, Columbus’ first malls are either gone or in decline, but 50 years ago, they were in their prime.
Curious CbusForty-five years ago, a bold new way to watch television launched in Columbus. Warner Cable would start to offer an unheard-of 30 channels. But even more impressive was the remote control that let viewers interact with local shows in real-time.
In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Obergefell v. Hodges cleared the way for legal same-sex marriage across the country. After nearly seven years and tens of thousands of same-sex marriages in Ohio, the letter of the law still states that marriage can only be between one man and one woman.
Curious CbusWe know that the buckeye tree was native to the land where Ohio now sits, but why exactly did Ohioans come to be known as Buckeyes?
WOSU's Curious Cbus project asks listeners and readers to submit questions about Central Ohio, so our newsroom can find the answers. Now is your opportunity to choose what story to cover next, by voting on your favorite question about our region.
A neighborhood's character is often defined by the architectural style of its homes. That's certainly the case for Clintonville. Grace Freeman wrote into WOSU's Curious Cbus to ask, "Why do so many houses in Clintonville have shutters with cut-out shapes such as crescent moons, candlesticks and clovers?"
Ohio will lose a seat in Congress according to data from the 2020 U.S. Census released on Monday. Other states that also lost congressional seats include California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley says she will try to unseat Ohio’s Republican governor after her effort to work with him on gun reforms in the aftermath of a mass shooting in her city stalled.
Unlike other vaccines, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires a single shot, but the number of doses available in Ohio is far less than the other two vaccines. Therefore, finding this specific vaccine has not been easy.
The Columbus Division of Fire is nearly 200 years old, with 35 stations covering the city. Over the department's long history, some of those stations have garnered interesting nicknames.