We examine technology's role in modern dating.
The energy required to constantly operate the servers necessary for AI is much higher than initially expected, and experts say that without a breakthrough in energy production, AI will not be able to take the next step.
Much of the data helps the cars run smoothly, and that’s a good thing. But vehicles are also tracking us and that can be problematic.
The fast-charging station is located at the London Pilot Travel Center along Interstate 70 at U.S. 42.
These attacks reveal how vulnerable we are as a society.
If you’re afraid of technology, Apple's new NameDrop might give you another reason.
The reinstatement capped days of drama — with hundreds of outraged employees threatening to walk, irate investors, and a board torn over the power its generative AI had unleashed on the world.
Nearly one in four countries have put rules or laws in place in order to ban cell phones in schools.
A working group at UC Berkeley spent over a year exploring online voting and trying to come up with baseline standards.