Gov. Mike DeWine’s proposed tax increases on cigarettes, gambling operators and marijuana appear likely to be cut from the budget by House Republicans.
Sen. Al Cutrona (R-Canfield) is proposing establishing an Ohio personal income tax deduction for gym and other personal training costs that total $1,500 or less per year.
DeWine said he believes the projected increased revenue from the tax should go to a dedicated pool for the future construction and renovations of Ohio’s professional major and minor league stadiums, as well as youth athletic programs.
A recent Ohio Chamber of Commerce study hinted at a renewed focus on legislating local taxes, which the chamber says can be cumbersome for businesses to administer.
There are more than a dozen bills meant to help deal with property tax affordability in Ohio, but none of the big ones are close to passage.
Business & EconomyRepublican lawmakers who touted $3.1 billion in tax cuts in the budget that took effect last July said higher-than-expected refunds are leading to Ohio's lagging tax collections.
April 15 is the peak, but of course tax season started weeks ago when W-2s and other paperwork was sent out in Ohio and across the country.
Business & EconomyApril 1 is the deadline for property owners who disagree with the auditor's evaluation of their property to file a complaint with the Franklin County Board of Revision.
The Ohio Supreme Court delivered a win for cities in upholding a law allowing them to continue to get income tax from workers who worked but didn’t live in those cities during the COVID emergency in 2020.
The poorest Ohioans pay more of their income to state and local taxes than the state’s richest residents, according to a recent report.