The Central Ohio Transit Authority will start using funds this year to increase the frequency of buses and extend late night hours to midnight.
The levy would fund a plan called LinkUs by COTA and its supporters. The LinkUs plan would create five bus rapid transit routes through the city with dedicated bus lanes, elevated boarding platforms and other amenities that COTA says will streamline and speed up transit.
The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) plans to create a mobility network called LinkUs.
There is no organized opposition to the LinkUs sales tax levy on the ballot in central Ohio. But the League of Women Voters' list of pros and cons gives clues to what some concerns may be over the proposed transit expansion.
The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) plans to create a mobility network called LinkUs.
The LinkUs sales tax levy promises dedicated bus lanes for a bus rapid transit system starting on West Broad Street and East Main Street. This could make for a faster rush hour commute.