State lawmakers have touted their support of a bill that eliminates the so-called “pink tax” on feminine hygiene products and gives a tax credit to...
One of the Ohio House’s top agenda items known as priority bills was passed in the Senate on Wednesday. However Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford)…
The leader of the Ohio Senate is pledging to take action by year's end on a bill designed to reduce low-level drug possessions to misdemeanors and…
Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) is throwing shots at the Ohio Senate, claiming they're taking too much time to pass bills that are...
It's been more than six weeks since Gov. Mike DeWine unveiled a 17-point approach to reducing gun violence, which included expanded background checks...
A panel of state senators is hitting the road to gather input on how the broad reach of Facebook and Google impacts average Ohioans.Republican Senate…
State representatives in Ohio who live at least 60 miles from the Statehouse are now eligible for a nightly hotel reimbursement.The new Ohio House policy…
Ohio is still struggling to find supplies of lethal injection drugs amid fears it could be cut off from drugs needed for medicinal purposes if their…
Finally, Ohio has a new two-year operating budget.Lawmakers failed to meet the June 30 deadline set by the state constitution, passing instead a temporary…
FirstEnergy Solutions says it will continue its plans to deactivate and decommission Ohio's two nuclear power plants since lawmakers were not able to pass…