Health, Science & EnvironmentSeniors often face increased needs as they age. The bills can be huge and mount quickly. So, how can aging Ohioans plan for those expenses?
Attempts to attach an amendment to ban the federal government from using local and state police entities to enforce national firearms laws in Ohio failed.
The cost of car insurance has jumped more than 19% in the last year, far outpacing overall inflation. There are several reasons why that's happening.
Sierra Roberts knew the jingles and taglines about insurance. It’s that thing you pay for now in case something goes wrong later. It’s those commercials…
On Thursday, Indiana temporarily suspended its Medicaid work requirement program known as Gateway to Work. Like several other states, it faced a court...
Several Ohio House Republicans are backing a bill that they say provides options to avoid "surprise billing," when patients get unexpected big invoices…
A new Ohio bill would ban most private insurance coverage for abortions. Opponents say it would also ban effective methods of birth control.One-fifth of…
The average deductible for employer-sponsored health insurance has quadrupled in the last 12 years. A Los Angeles Times investigation finds even insured workers are going without needed medical care.
Economic growth usually means more kids get health insurance, but that's not been the case during the Trump years, a study shows. For the first time in a decade, the uninsured rate for children is up.
Across Ohio, colleges and universities are celebrating their spring commencements this month, with some like Ohio State University celebrating the largest graduating classes in their history, but a report from the non-profit National Association of Colleges and Employers shows both private and public sector employers expect to hire fewer graduates this year. “The employers said they plan to decrease their hiring by just 1.3 percent,” NACE Research Manager Andrea Koncz reported.