Republican Rep. Steve Stivers of Upper Arlington is a lead co-sponsor on a bill introduced this week aimed at replacing net neutrality, called the Open…
Ohio’s Attorney General Mike DeWine has no plans to join any lawsuits challenging the rollback of "net neutrality" internet protections.Attorneys General…
Last week, the Federal Communications Commission voted to eliminate regulations dictating how internet providers connect consumers to the internet,…
After a brief security evacuation, the agency voted to undo Obama-era regulations that prohibit cable and telecom companies from blocking access to websites and apps or influencing how fast they load.
Demonstrators marched outside a Verizon store in Kenwood Thursday. They were part of a national protest against Federal Communications Commission (FCC)...
During the Obama administration, internet providers were not allowed to slow down or block websites for consumers. The Federal Communications Commission…
The vote begins a months-long process to collect — once again — public comment on how the government should regulate Internet service providers. The FCC is repealing Obama-era rules.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, a free market proponent, wants to repeal Obama-era regulations that treat Internet service providers like utilities. "Nothing about the Internet was broken in 2015," he said.
The rule, which had not yet taken effect, would have required Internet providers to ask permission before selling consumers' personal data. President Trump is expected to sign the rollback.
A champion of limited government, Pai has indicated plans to reel back Internet and other regulations. As FCC commissioner since 2012, Pai typically was a reliable opponent of Democrats' proposals.