A spokesperson for Republicans in the Ohio Senate says caucus members have unblocked people on their official social media pages as part of an effort to…
A southwest Ohio man has settled a lawsuit he filed against his Republican state senator, who he says blocked him on Facebook during a heated debate about…
President Trump has signed an executive order calling on the federal government to prioritize artificial intelligence research and development. The…
Facebook at last count had attracted more than 2 billion users worldwide to its social media platform where they share photos, links, memories, life…
In a study published Wednesday in PLOS One, Kenyon College researchers found that Facebook users would require an average of about $1,000 in exchange for…
In September, a Facebook "bug" allowed developers to access images people shared with friends on Facebook Stories — or images users had not even posted. Up to 6.8 million users may have been affected.
Following a New York Times investigation into Facebook’s knowledge of Russian hacking, the tech giant is yet again in hot water. Facebook failed to…
Newark elementary schools are among 500 schools across the country participating in a program that enables parents to track the physical well-being of…
More than 50 million Facebook user accounts were hacked last week. It’s the tech company’s largest data breach in history, as data for other companies…
Facebook says a vulnerability allowed attackers to gain full access to some users' accounts; it's not yet clear whether any accounts were actually misused. The company says the problem has been fixed.