Ohio's governor and top law enforcer are asking educators across the state to help in the battle against opiate addiction.Gov. John Kasich and Attorney…
The government says an Ohio doctor and an employee at a Columbus medical clinic have pleaded guilty to illegally distributing pain pills.The U.S.…
Ohio Gov. John Kasich has ruled out looking for alternative methods of execution, such as the firing squad or hanging, while the state struggles to find…
Ohio Gov. John Kasich plans to discuss the state's latest efforts to fight opiate abuse at an event in Columbus.Kasich, a Republican presidential hopeful,…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are helping Ohio find solutions to a wave of overdose deaths caused by a powerful painkiller mixed with…
The U.S. Department of Justice is giving the state of Ohio nearly $1.3 million to help stem the manufacturing of methamphetamine and related crime.The…
Legislation that would make a driver's license suspension discretionary rather than mandatory for non-driving drug convictions has been introduced in the…
A recent report from the Ohio Department of Health shows the state has seen a 750 percent increase in the number of babies diagnosed with neonatal…
Two state lawmakers are backing a package of bills that they say will help crack down on drug overdoses – especially involving heroin, which state stats…
Supporters of marijuana legalization in Ohio say they are about halfway to their goal of collecting the more than 305,000 signatures needed to get a…