Lawmakers want to require law enforcement to record interrogations with suspects accused of murder and sexual assault. Backers say this could help avoid...
Hundreds of crime survivors came to the Statehouse on Wednesday to tell their stories to lawmakers, who are considering changes to bail, sentencing laws…
Sentencing reform was at the center of Issue 1 on the statewide ballot in Ohio, calling for more treatment instead of prison time.The measure failed, but…
The president's support is a big win for activists who have been pushing for criminal justice measures that roll back the stiff penalties imposed as a part of America's decades-long "war on drugs."
For the third time in four years, Ohio voters soundly rejected a constitutional amendment that cost supporters millions to put on the ballot. Issue 1, the…
A state lawmaker says the way bail is set for people who are arrested can sometimes be a backwards process. He proposes a way to overhaul the system and…
There are a handful of proposals at the Statehouse that attempt to cut down on prison time in favor of rehabilitation. Supporters believe this reduces...
Locally-elected black officials from across the country gather in Columbus this week to talk about the city’s success in creating programs to address…