A former purchasing agent for the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is charged with six felonies including grand theft, forgery and telecommunications fraud.
The zoo said the gorilla did not show any visible signs of pregnancy and caretakers only discovered she was a male when they saw her holding a newborn gorilla Thursday morning.
Six months into his job as the CEO of the Columbus Zoo, we’ll speak with Tom Schmid about the actions he’s taking to regain the zoo’s status and restore its reputation.
The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium has received accreditation from the Zoological Association of America, officials say. This comes after the zoo lost its accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums last year.
A former chief executive officer has agreed to repay hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium after audits concluded that improper spending and questionable business practices cost the institution more than $630,000.
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium's Tom Schmid announced on Wednesday the board agreed to settlements with former zoo executives who were found to have misused the zoo's resources.
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums has denied the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s attempt to reinstate its accreditation. The soonest the Columbus Zoo can re-apply for accreditation is September 2022.
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums is set to consider an appeal from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, which lost its accreditation earlier this year.
The new Columbus Zoo and Aquarium CEO charged with restoring the facility’s reputation begins his work Monday.
Newly hired CEO and President of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Tom Schmid said he knew about the loss of the zoo's accreditation before taking the position, however, Schmid said he was surprised by the move.