Advocates of Ohio's workplace smoking ban are celebrating a ruling in a Columbus court of appeals that reinstates tens of thousands of dollars in fines…
A group challenging a policy used to enforce Ohio's ban on workplace smoking says a judge's ruling in favor of a Columbus bar means other taverns who have…
A conservative policy group is arguing in a lawsuit that Ohio is enforcing its smoking ban too strictly at a time when bars are already hurting.The…
In the year the state's smoking ban has been in effect, most Ohioans have gotten used to it, whether they like it or not. Now a lawmaker says the law…
It's been a year since the statewide smoking ban took effect. Wednesday the Columbus Health Department began holding hearings for businesses that have…
An Ohio appeals court has ruled that state health official erred when they tried to exempt veterans halls, fraternal organizations, and other private…
Most Ohioans are happy with the new voter passed law that prohibits smoking in public places. That's one finding from a new study that was conducted to…
Ohio voters won't be voting after all on a constitutional amendment to water down the new statewide smoking ban. Ohio Public Radio's Jo Ingles reprots the…
A judge has ruled that private clubs in Ohio can't allow smoking despite language in the statewide smoking ban that seemed to allow it.Judge David Cain of…
Ohio's public places have experienced their first weekend under the state's new smoking ban