A new documentary, “Canary,” chronicles the pioneering climate work of Ohio State’s Lonnie Thompson.
He began extracting polar ice cores from tropical mountaintops in the 1970s.
The frozen cylinders provide a climatological record stretching back thousands of years and provide direct evidence of global warming. He’s been called a real-life Indiana Jones.
Thompson, along with his wife, climate scientist Ellen Moseley Thompson, lead research at The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at The Ohio State University.
We have a discussion about the work that’s been done and what work remains to be completed.
- Mike Thompson, WOSU chief content director of radio
- Professor Lonnie Thompson, senior researcher at Ohio State University Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
- Professor Ellen Mosley Thompson, senior researcher at Ohio State University Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
- Danny O’Malley, co-director of “Canary”
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