Dan Carsen
Can a Democrat win a Senate seat in Alabama? As the Republican candidate, Roy Moore, is enmeshed in allegations of sexual assault, Democrat Doug Jones is trying to do just that.
In 2011, Alabama passed what was considered the nation's strictest immigration law. Much of it was later struck down. Now, it offers a snapshot into the challenges ahead for the Trump administration.
With a school shooting about once every week in America, a greater number of districts and colleges are training staff to use more active responses to gunmen, including fighting back.
Alabama boosted its graduation rate with questionable methods and now faces federal and state audits. It's hard to know yet how far off the rate is.
One school in Sumter County, Ala., is so underfunded, the principal says there's no money for badly needed repairs. And something else is missing from the schools: the county's white residents.
How much money a school can spend on its students still depends, in large part, on local property taxes. And many states aren't doing much to level the field for poor kids.
How much money a school can spend on its students still depends, in large part, on local property taxes. And many states aren't doing much to level the field for poor kids.
The 2016 teacher of the year in that state decided it was about time the people who write the laws that affect schools actually see the inside of a classroom.
Alabama's Board of Education voted Thursday to adopt new science standards. The state's current standards have been in place for a decade, and many teachers are looking forward to the updates.