Bob Brecha
Bob Brecha is a professor of Physics and Renewable and Clean Energy at the University of Dayton, and Research Director at UD's Hanley Sustainability Institute. Follow him on Twitter: @BobBrecha
Since the recent hurricanes in the gulf region and the Caribbean, University of Dayton professor Bob Brecha has turned his attention to how the Miami...
Hurricane season lasts for a few more weeks. The US has been fortunate over the past few years because there haven’t been many direct hits on the...
The United Nations estimates that world population will increase to 11 billion by the end of the century. UD professor Bob Brecha is thinking how...
Today sustainability commentator Bob Brecha tackles a thorny question: how much energy does it take to make wind turbines and solar panels. Here’s a...
Area college graduates are preparing to begin their careers or the next part of their educations. WYSO commentator Bob Brecha is a professor at the...
All the nations of the world need to make decisions about how to use resources but in developing countries, trade-offs between economic growth and...
For scientists it can be really tricky to figure out whether to protest, engage with legislators, or stay in the office. Sustainability commentator Bob...
After World War II, American industry grew rapidly, leading to not only unprecedented wealth and a growing middle class, but also to serious negative...
Politicians in Ohio and around the country are struggling to articulate new energy policies. Renewables are booming and becoming cheaper, but shale oil...
The 2016 presidential campaign often focused on immigration issues, but there was very little talk about energy or climate change. Sustainability...