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Appeals Court Orders IRS To Provide Information In Lawsuit

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An Appeals Court in Ohio orders the IRS to turn over information in Tea Party case.

A federal appeals court in Ohio has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to produce information about tax-exempt applications for a tea party lawsuit over targeting of conservative groups.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals three-judge panel rejected unanimously Tuesday a request by government attorneys to block a federal judge's order to turn over lists of applicants allegedly singled out for unfavorable treatment because of their politics.

The opinion says laws meant to protect taxpayers don't entitle the agency to keep secret documents that can show IRS mistreatment of taxpayers and applicant groups.

A federal judge has approved class-action status for the lawsuit filed in 2013 by the NorCal Tea Party Patriots against the IRS and some employees in Cincinnati and Washington.

A message was left Tuesday with the IRS.

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