American Graduate

WOSU Public Media is collaborating with local organizations, educational institutions and businesses to assess workforce challenges and opportunities, and production of content focused on the essential skills needed for students and workers to succeed in the job markets of today and tomorrow.
Learn more at the national American Graduate website.
In the From Here to Career video series, we hear from young people who have found a path to an in-demand career and their stories of how they got there.
See what it takes to get in-demand, well-paying jobs in Ohio without a four-year degree.
WOSU’s original podcast steps off the conventional career path and follows the next generation of workers as they find jobs that pay well and they enjoy.
There isn’t a single path to success, but many ways to find well-paying work that you enjoy. Check out these resources for you to explore the different careers and career pathways we’ve talked about on the Rivet podcast.
Future CareersEducators within the Dublin High School system are integrating conversations on job readiness and future careers into their curriculum.
Kevin Fleming, author and speaker on college and career readiness, shares his insights and strategies to increase your skills, and your income, in tandem.
Career Readiness + explores the guiding principles and operations of innovative learning programs in central Ohio that facilitate student transition from high school to postsecondary education and work.
Learn how young people in Central Ohio can get in-demand, well-paying jobs, many of which don’t require a four-year degree, through apprenticeships, certificates, two-year degrees, and other programs.
Central Ohio high school students and employers discuss how to get good-paying jobs that don’t necessarily require a four-year college degree.
WOSU and American Graduate are partnering to share pathways to skilled jobs that pay well and often go unfilled.
Leading up to the 2018 election both major party candidates for Ohio governor answered questions from high school students about education, jobs and the future of work in Ohio.
The increased use of automation, artificial intelligence and global competition is changing the way people work. What kind of impact will technological progress, demographic change, and other market forces have on jobs, skills and wages in the future?
Microsoft plans to train 15,000 people in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, cloud and data engineering as part of a movement to…
The American Graduate initiative is public media’s long-term commitment, made possible by CPB, to help young people succeed in school, career and life.