Not Your Ordinary Book Sale. There are hundreds of like-new collectible quality books which came from the estate of Father Joseph Goetz who donated his entire collection of more than 2500 books. It is at the branch, 101 E. Alex-Bell Road (next to Outback Steakhouse) in Centerville and is available today until 9pm and Saturday, 9am to 6pm.
DVAC's Orphan Art Sale which is a spin on Deaccessioning (the process by which a work of art or other object is permanently removed from a museum's collection), is an opportunity to find excellent art. Everyone's welcome to browse and buy artwork at affordable prices. This is Saturday, 11am to 4pm at DVAC on 118 N Jefferson St in downtown Dayton. It is open to the public.
Bacon Fest 2018. Savor the flavor of breakfast's favorite side item - the greatest food on planet Earth - BACON. Whether you're in the crispy bacon or chewy bacon camp, you'll love this summer festival. You can sample local restaurants as they showcase all of the many ways you can baconate your meal. This is at the Fraze Pavillion on Saturday, 3 to 9pm.
Come and enjoy the annual car show featuring some of the area's finest vintage automobiles. The grounds will be adorned with many of the Dayton area's finest and most colorful classic, restored, special interest and exotic automobiles from museums, car clubs, collectors and private owners. This is Sunday, noon to 4pm at the Historic Long Romspert House Museum in Oakwood.
The Tour de Gem is a fundraising event to assist over 40 area nonprofits achieve their mission. Everyone can participate regardless of cycling expertise. There are a series of Fun Rides, from 3-10 miles and other options from 30 to 103 miles. They want people to have fun, ride at their leisure, or possibly challenge themselves.
Gotta go….
Charlie, It’s Great In Dayton, Campbell
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