It is budgeting time in counties across the region. A recurring theme for fiscal 2019 seems to be a call for more money for jails. And, the costs for dealing with the opioid crisis are factoring into those spending requests.

Trumbull County Sheriff Paul Monroe says medical treatment for the influx of drug-addicted inmates is an issue in his request for a million and a half more dollars for the jail.
But he says his department is looking at a way to get greater cost- efficiency in giving medical care. He’s talking with hospitals about them bidding, competitively, on providing medical attention. “We’re trying to establish a proper protocol. Let’s say Cleveland Clinic is interested and we’re trying to work this with them. We would have to put out a competitive bid and give all the hospitals a shot at this. Not just the one hospital.”
The Sheriff says the jail now provides more detox treatment than any other agency or caregiver in Trumbull County.
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