The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency has decided to include Western Lake Erie in a list of impaired waters, due to the harmful algae blooms that…
Just off Lake Ontario in Irondequoit Bay, Dave Hulburt is doing some work at the BayCreek Paddling Center.The shop is closed in winter, but it’s unusually…
Hamilton County may have enough flood damage to qualify for federal and state disaster aid. Emergency Management Director Nick Crossley says one...
Ohio has partnered with two other states and the province of Ontario to develop a plan to block species of Asian carp from getting into the Great…
At the Six Nations of the Grand River reserve, about 10 men are gathered in a classroom in the Haudenosaunee community center. The older men are teaching…
In its fight against algae in Ohio’s lakes and streams, the Ohio EPA is moving to expand enforcement of one of its regulations. It’s a move that might…
As America confronts the opioid crisis, environmental scientists are warning about a related problem. Chemicals from pain-killers and other drugs often…
On the Great Lakes, boat and ship traffic is slowing down for the winter. Meanwhile, in Cleveland, residents have a chance to watch Lake Erie change as ice builds up -- and breaks up – it’s part of an unusual public art exhibit called Waiting for a Break,by Ohio artist Julia Christiansen. On a large screen downtown, 6 live video feeds show different spots along Lake Erie. One shows waves lapping over rocks, others show a remote island and a nearby bay.
This story is part of the Curious Cbus project. You ask the questions, you vote for one of the questions and we answer.Listener Conor Morris must have…
The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence River make up the world's biggest freshwater system -- and an enormously valuable resource. It supplies drinking water for...