The new measures would increase testing and access to personal protective equipment for schools, and create a centralized, national database of school coronavirus cases.
Does carrying a gun make a teacher a security officer, or just a teacher who happens to be carrying a gun? Ohio Supreme Court justices on Tuesday focused…
Gov. Mike DeWine, following U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines, has called for Ohio’s K-12 teachers and school staff to be next in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, along with residents older than 65 and those with developmental disabilities. DeWine’s plan includes getting Ohio educators – everyone from teachers to bus drivers and cafeteria workers – vaccinated beginning Feb. 1, with a goal of getting students back into schools, either full-time or as part of a hybrid model, by March 1.
Updated: 4:50 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2020 The process of vaccinating health care workers and people living in nursing homes is going too slowly, according to Gov. Mike DeWine.
Updated: 4:21 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020 The state will provide vaccines to school staff in early 2021 to encourage a return to in-person learning, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced Wednesday. Any school moving from remote to in-person learning will have access to vaccines for adults working in the buildings as part of the state’s second stage of vaccine distribution, the governor said, which is coming after healthcare workers and those living and working in congregate care settings are vaccinated.
Cardona is a former teacher and has spent much of the pandemic pushing to reopen schools. President-elect Joe Biden announced his intention to nominate him on Tuesday evening.
Ohio’s K-12 students should be learning remotely, starting now, and not return to the classroom until Jan. 11, according to recommendations from the Ohio Education Association (OEA), the union representing most of the state’s teachers.
Schools around Central Ohio took a cautious approach to the academic year. Many started remote, and pledged to return to distance learning should COVID-19…
Dozens of teachers held signs saying "Settle Now" in front of the Gahanna-Jefferson School District headquarters and Lincoln High school on Tuesday…
The Ohio chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police filed a brief in the state’s highest court Monday arguing against arming teachers, as the policies would “make an already dangerous situation even more dangerous for law enforcement, for school staff, and for the students themselves.” The Ohio FOP laid out a series of dangers posed by arming teachers without extensive training. First among the points: anyone involved in a gunfight becomes less accurate.