Health, Science & EnvironmentSWACO's contract with BQ Energy lapsed and was automatically terminated. But the city of Columbus says there is still optimism for a solar project to happen on this land.
Last year, 152,000 tons of food waste was sent to the landfill in Central Ohio. The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) is announcing an action…
Five Central Ohio communities will be handing out 38,000 new recycling bins to their residents, free of cost, over the next month.The new recycling bins…
It’s been six years since Columbus started offering free curb-side recycling. The program proved popular, but it’s only available to people who live in…
A study of Central Ohio’s recycling industry, commissioned by a local waste management company, shows it's created thousands of jobs and generated more…
What happens to our waste (trash, recycling, yard waste) once it's collected? Where does it actually go?
A Michigan-based company now buys methane gas generated by Franklin County’s decomposing garbage.Aria Energy has built a $22.5 million facility at the…