Callers are getting busy signals and voicemail inboxes are full at many U.S. Senate offices as people try to reach out and voice their opinions on President Donald Trump's Cabinet picks, executive orders and moves to dismantle various federal programs.
In this week's episode of Snollygoster, Ohio's politics podcast from WOSU, hosts Mike Thompson and Steve Brown discuss former Health Department director Amy Acton's decision not to run for Rob Portman's Senate seat. Democratic strategist Antoinette Wilson joins the show.
The decision from the nonpartisan parliamentarian means Democrats could advance more of President Biden's agenda without the support of Republicans.
Former Ohio Department of Health director Dr. Amy Acton will not be running for U.S. Senate in 2022.
Northeast Ohio car dealer and blockchain entrepreneur Bernie Moreno is entering the Republican contest to replace Sen. Rob Portman. Moreno announced his Senate bid in a Youtube video Tuesday morning, framing his campaign around pledges to institute term limits, to “stop socialism” and to “end cancel culture.”
Ohio’s U.S. Senate race is well underway, with both announced Republican candidates on the air with TV ads and some new money pledged toward one possible Democratic candidate.
South Carolina is one of about two dozen states that have few or no statewide LGBTQ protections. The federal Equality Act would change that, but some in the state say the bill goes too far.
Becerra faced significant GOP opposition ever since he was nominated, with critics arguing he didn't have sufficient health care experience to run the department.
Biden wants to change the filibuster to one in which a senator actually has to talk for potentially hours on end. Many Democrats hope that could ease passage of some of their priorities.
One year ago, Ohio officials took an extraordinary step that showed just how dramatically COVID-19 would change our lives: They canceled in-person voting…