The new head of NASA is saying good things about the NASA Glenn Research Center in northern Ohio. James Bridenstine was appointed five months ago to...
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center scientists, in the process of creating a human gastrointestinal system in a lab, have grown an esophagus.
Right here in Columbus are a series of databases that some scientists and business leaders call the world’s most valuable collection of scientific data.…
The popular film Won't You Be My Neighbor? shows how the topics — and the format — Fred Rogers brought to TV are as relevant to education and child development as they ever were.
Born in 1856 in what is now Croatia, Nikola Tesla would grow up to become one of the most influential inventors of the 19th and early 20th centuries.…
Born in 1856 in what is now Croatia, Nikola Tesla would grow up to become one of the most influential inventors of the 19th and early 20th centuries.…
In an effort to “demystify science and engineering,” leaders of COSI announced on Tuesday that the science museum will host a four-day science festival…
The EPA administrator wants to restrict the science used by the agency in its decision-making. Scientists are concerned it eliminates all good science in the process.
Crackling sounds deep inside the brain signal normal communication among an estimated 100 billion neurons. But after a traumatic health event like a...
The first episode of this season's Invisibilia podcast explores how people cope when something happens that fundamentally shifts how they view themselves. The author's mother decided to try skydiving.