Residents in Columbus, Dublin, Canal Winchester and Groveport are being asked to consider school levies during this election cycle.
Expanded access and funding for a controversial school voucher program has intensified the tug-of-war over school funding in Ohio. On our weekly Reporter Roundtable, we discuss this as well as Ohio Rep. Bob Young's resignation, redistricting, property taxes and more.
Groups representing Ohio school districts, teachers and education officials are pleased the final state budget includes what’s been called the Fair School Funding plan, an overhaul of the formula by which Ohio calculates state aid to schools.
The two-year $75 billion state budget is awaiting Gov. Mike DeWine’s signature before the fiscal year expires on Wednesday. The budget process was led by Republicans, from DeWine’s initial proposal through the House and Senate, which are dominated by the GOP. But a lot of Democrats ended up supporting the final product.
With a little over a day till the deadline on Wednesday, the new two-year state budget is on its way to Gov. Mike DeWine after overwhelmingly bipartisan votes in the House and Senate late Monday evening.
Leaders of Ohio’s eight urban school districts are urging lawmakers working on reconciling the difference between House and Senate passed budgets to remember how the outcome will affect many students.
Groups representing Ohio’s school boards, school administrators and school financial officials are raising serious concerns about the Senate’s version of the budget, which blew up the $1.8 billion school funding formula overhaul in the House budget.
The Ohio Senate passed the state budget bill Wednesday which sets up a likely conference committee where the House and Senate must agree on a final spending measure to send to the governor.
Senate Committee Approves Budget Bill Along Party Lines With Changes To Ohio School Funding ProposalThe Ohio Senate Finance Committee has sent the latest budget proposal for a floor vote after adding more than 100 amendments to the bill. Republican Senate leaders said the measure is making more investments to help people.
A plan crafted by a group of legislators and school finance experts addressed inequities that plague the current funding formula. But the state House and Senate disagree on the approach.