Hundreds stood in solidarity with people of Asian descent during the Stop Asian Hate gathering at the Freedome Center in downtown Cincinnati Sunday....
Most of the victims were women of Asian descent. Authorities say it's too early to declare the attacks a hate crime – but advocates say there's a pattern that can't be ignored.
A shooting spree in Georgia left eight people dead, most of whom are of Asian descent. Leaders in Ohio say this is just the latest example of the uptick…
The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office and Atlanta Police Department are investigating attacks at three spas. Authorities say many of the victims appear to be of Asian descent.
Racially motivated attacks against Asian Americans have been on the rise since the start of the pandemic, but a Los Angeles-based civil rights group says the actual numbers are even higher.
Some Ohio lawmakers are introducing a new bill that is aimed at cutting down on racially motivated 911 calls.State Rep. Thomas West (D-Canton) says people…
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) says systemic racism in home lending will be one of the top priorities for the banking committee he now chairs.Brown says he…
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy did not take the robust action Democrats and some Republicans were calling for, so the whole chamber took up a resolution on her racist and inflammatory comments.
Bake Me Happy, the gluten-free bakery in Merion Village, closed its doors Sunday after receiving threats and racist slurs from a caller over the phone.…
Two out of five Black Air Force members don't trust their chain of command to address racism, bias and unequal opportunities.