President-elect Donald Trump visited the Ohio State University on Thursday afternoon to meet with victims and law enforcement involved in the November 28…
President-elect Donald Trump is promising to "heal our divisions and unify our country" as he prepares to meet with some of the victims of last week's…
In light of the recent attack on Ohio State's campus, gun advocates and Republican congressmen are pushing for legislation allowing for concealed-carry on…
On Monday, a group of armed civilians walked through the Ohio State campus as part of a demonstration for open carry at state universities. In light of…
At the Abubakar Assidiq Islamic Center on the Columbus's West Side, over a hundred people from around the city gathered for Friday afternoon prayers. The…
As the Ohio State University campus gets back to its routine following Monday’s attack outside of Watts Hall, some students, faculty and staff may need…
Funeral services for Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Ohio State student who carried out Monday's attack on campus, were held Thursday afternoon. Artan was shot…
In the wake of Monday’s attack, students from the Ohio State University are adding a unique perspective to a bill that would lift the automatic...
Columbus Police and the FBI say an ongoing investigation into Monday's attack at Ohio State still has hours unaccounted for in its timeline of events.In a…
Tuesday afternoon ISIS claimed credit for the attack by 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan at Ohio State University. Today we will discuss the events that…