Rep. Niraj Antani (R-Miamisburg) says hundreds of people suffer serious and sometimes fatal injuries caused by dog attacks every year. He says it's time...
The number of valid signatures needed to put a proposed constitutional amendment on the Ohio ballot has increased by about 40 percent. That number…
Ohio would have to study which of its schools have air conditioning, safety measures and certain other building features under a state lawmaker's proposal…
Some schools throughout Ohio have been closed recently due to heat. And state lawmakers are considering ideas to help students beat the heat.
County commissioners are firing back at a proposal coming next week from a Republican state lawmaker that would restrict their legal power to raise county…
Ohio House sessions for this week have, once again, been cancelled due to controversy over who will be the next speaker. The fight that’s been brewing…
Incumbent Montgomery County state Rep. Niraj Antani will face a league of Republican challengers in the upcoming May 8 primary election. Two Democrats are…
A Republican state representative plans to introduce a bill later this week that would change the rules under which lawmakers accept gifts and would ban…
A new bill has been introduced in the Ohio House that would require health classes cover fetal development and offer students information on where they…
Amid the debate over whether teachers should be armed in schools, a Dayton-area lawmaker says he believes some students could carry weapons as well.“This…