“Will one of these fit?” Wendell R. Haag asks, holding out a couple pairs of well-worn creeking shoes he’s pulled from the back of his pickup, both…
Construction of the Trump administration's border wall has been slowed by difficulties acquiring private land, so the government is prioritizing construction inside federal nature sanctuaries.
Nearly two-thirds of North America’s birds could be at risk of extinction due to climate change.According to a report from the National Audubon Society,…
New research from the National Audubon Society finds two-thirds of North American birds are at risk of extinction due to climate change.Scientists…
Biologists were called to the Veterans Affairs building in Lincoln, Nebr., last week to evict an unusual visitor. A 20-pound bobcat somehow found its...
Researchers estimate that the bird population has fallen by a quarter since 1970. More than 90% of the loss can be attributed to just a dozen bird families, including sparrows, blackbirds and finches.
Naturalist, artist and writer Julie Zickefoose in May 2017 took on the role of savior to a sick and orphaned baby Blue Jay.In her new memoir, Zickefoose…
Interior Secretary David Bernhardt says the revisions will make the landmark conservation law more efficient. Critics say it will hurt endangered plants and animals as they face mounting threats.
A new hybrid bird species has been spotted around parks in northeast Ohio. The bird is a type of warbler resulting from mating between Cerulean Warblers...
By breeding and migrating earlier, some birds are adapting to climate change. But it's probably not happening fast enough for some species to survive, according to new research.