Health, Science & EnvironmentDallas Allen is a Suicide Investigations and Postvention specialist at the Franklin County Coroner’s Office. His work could help prevent suicide deaths across the state.
A bill now in Ohio's Legislature would prevent people convicted of aggravated murder from being sentenced to the death penalty, if they are found to have…
Minority groups such as African Americans and Latinos are often overlooked by the mental health community. Lack of availability, cultural stigma of mental…
Minority groups such as African Americans and Latinos are often overlooked by the mental health community. Lack of availability, cultural stigma of mental…
Franklin County officials say too many mentally ill inmates stay in jail too long, so they're looking into ways to reduce jail stays.The Council of State…
10 am In the US, ten times as many mentally ill people are housed in a prison or jail as in a hospital. But a new grant will invest in training for Ohio…
11:00 Two million veterans have returned home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and 1 in 5 have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mental illness that can turn…
11:00 Are medications the only way to treat mental illness in America? How do counseling and therapy fit into treatment programs? What actually works when…
11:00 The stories about people who are mentally ill and struggling to cope, often with their families at their sides, are common. Last week, we heard that…
Last week, on the west side of Columbus, a naked man begged for shelter and later froze to death. A discussion about the ethical dilemmas of ordinary…