The Columbus Safety Collective Campaign submitted the amendment that would create a division that would respond to non-dangerous calls, without police presence.
Health, Science & EnvironmentEighteen years ago, Melissa Goldberg of Columbus, lost her battle with mental illness. Her family has spent the years since then making comfortable living spaces for adults with mental illness.
Health, Science & EnvironmentWhen a child or young adult is having a crisis, parents and teachers often turn to institutions, like psych wards or the police, for help. But an increasing number of Ohioans now have another option.
We're spending this hour of All Sides talking about the mental health of new mothers and how to get help if you need it.
Health, Science & EnvironmentA new survey by Ohio State University College of Medicine reports finding pockets of alone time during the holidays is crucial to mental health.
Health, Science & EnvironmentA state working group released its recommendations to increase inpatient behavioral health care access across the state.
There is a glimmer of hope and movement to address Ohio's mental health crisis on all fronts.
The concurrent resolution to raise awareness of mental health concerns of women around pregnancy has support from Republican and Democratic lawmakers in the Ohio Statehouse.
Colin Jennings was holding a knife when he approached officers at an East Side apartment complex in February.
Today’s presidential election polls show former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris are neck-in-neck.