"Avengers: Endgame" marked the completion of Marvel's 22-film saga, raking in a historic $1.5 billion and counting. In 2018, of the top 10 grossing box…
Marvel Comics’ co-creator Stan Lee passed away in November, leaving behind not only an iconic company, but stories with strong messages about…
Lee gave us over six decades' worth of superheroes we could identify with, characters like Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk, who reacted to superpowered crises in believably flawed, human ways.
Today at 11amThe 2017 on-screen adaptation of Wonder Woman broke records as Warner Brothers' first woman centered comic book movie directed by a woman.…
The 2017 on-screen adaptation of Wonder Woman broke records as Warner Brothers' first woman centered comic book movie directed by a woman. Coming up we…
Comments about diversity in superhero comics made last week by a Marvel executive unleashed an online firestorm. But heroes who look more like the growing comics readership are here to stay.