Republican Senator Jerry Cirino said he introduced the bill because he thinks liberal bias in Ohio's public universities is out of hand.
State lawmakers across the country are mulling model legislation intended to discourage protests at so-called critical infrastructure projects such as oil…
Nineteen Ohio lawmakers want to classify pornography as a public health crisis. They say that the use of porn is tied with sex trafficking and sexual…
Governor Mike DeWine has proposed an 18-cents-per-gallon state gas tax increase to offset at least part of a billion-dollar-a year revenue shortfall for…
General Motors announced plans last week to end production at five of its North American plants, including one in Lordstown in Mahoning Valley.In the wake…
The wave of high profile cases of sexual assault and harassment are making headlines. But what does it mean for the rest of us? Coming up, a look at if…
Legislation is being proposed in the Ohio House that would require people to surrender firearms to law enforcement agencies if they've been convicted of…
Ohio is trying to catch up with other states by shielding the addresses of victims of domestic violence, stalking and other crimes from use by government…
New proposed legislation in Ohio lowers penalties for some landlords who are accused of discrimination in their rental practices. We look into the…