Honda plans to hire 2,200 workers at its new EV battery plant to be built in Fayette County.
Housing sales prices were up 10% in August over the same month in 2021, according to the Columbus Realtors’ August Central Ohio Housing Report.
Business & EconomyBuilders and developers are busy around Ohio State's campus as new apartments complete with retail and parking are popping up like flowers in Spring. The trends here reflect a nationwide shift in students’ housing tastes.
Business & EconomyLow-income housing is in crisis — corporate landlords are squeezing renters with higher rents in often unsafe housing units. Renters are fighting back
The July housing report released by Columbus Realtors showed that for the fourth consecutive month, new listings significantly increased but sales slowed.
Administrative judge Ted Barrows says the county will follow an appeals court ruling that said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention overstepped its authority with an earlier eviction moratorium.
Housing prices are skyrocketing and anyone looking for a home knows the pickings are slim. We take a look at what's happening in the housing market and what policymakers can do to support affordable housing.
Housing prices are skyrocketing and anyone looking for a home knows the pickings are slim. We take a look at what's happening in the housing market and what policymakers can do to support affordable housing.
Housing prices are skyrocketing and anyone looking for a home knows the pickings are slim. We take a look at what's happening in the housing market and what policymakers can do to support affordable housing.
Housing prices are skyrocketing and anyone looking for a home knows the pickings are slim. We take a look at what's happening in the housing market and what policymakers can do to support affordable housing.