The virus interfering with end-of-year parties across the country. Even the traditional Times Square ball drop in New York City at midnight will be closed to the public and seen virtually.
During the 1960s and 70s, an industrial area on the west side of Columbus was home to a huge, 75-foot-long Nativity display depicting Mary, Joseph, wise men, camels and a cast of other animal characters. The holiday attraction was staged outside the workshop and retail store of Columbus artist and designer Gordon Keith.
"We're really busy. It's been unbearable," sighed Manny Huenchunir, a Postal Service truck driver who was unloading and reloading crates of mail at a post office outside Boston on Tuesday night.
Gov. Mike DeWine is calling on Ohioans to slow the spread of the coronavirus even as Christmas approaches. DeWine says a surge in COVID-19 cases could hit…
Many feared Ohio's cases of coronavirus would "surge" post-Thanksgiving if families gathered as normal, but data show many in fact heeded the call,...
More than 1 million people went through checkpoints at U.S. airports on each of the past two days. That's down considerably from a year ago, but still an increase over typical pandemic travel levels.
With a spike in COVID-19 cases colliding with cold weather and the holidays, many Americans are facing difficult decisions about whether and how to socialize.
Retail sales dipped 1.1% in November compared with a month earlier as new coronavirus surges restricted outings to stores and especially restaurants.
"Ten may even be a bit too much," Dr. Anthony Fauci said, warning that family gatherings through the holidays could lead to "a really dark time" by mid-January.
This holiday season, the unrelenting pandemic will strike an economic blow to Columbus’ downtown entertainment sector. The ever-popular “Nutcracker”…