In more than 30 states, it is illegal for someone with HIV to have sex without first disclosing their status. Some are now trying to change that, arguing that those laws endanger public health.
For people at high risk of HIV, taking a daily dose of a prevention drug is essential. But many can't afford it. A new federal program makes the drugs available for free.
Graig Cote has had HIV for 33 years, and he wants everyone to know it."I disclose to everybody," he says. "I have my copper HIV ribbon on my neck. I wear…
Only a small percentage of women in Cleveland are aware of a drug that can help prevent HIV infection, according to a new report. Less than 15 percent of the 351 heterosexual women surveyed knew about pre-exposure prophylaxis, commonly known as PrEP. It’s a pill that can help prevent those who are at a high risk of contracting HIV from getting the disease. MetroHealth researcher Milana Bogorodskaya led the study and said PrEP was primarily marketed to men when it first came out in 2012.
Gene editing, or the process of making specific changes to DNA, is already helping cancer patients and people with certain inherited diseases. The...
There are about 230 new cases of HIV in Franklin County every year, mostly among people aged 25-29. On Thursday, celebrated as National HIV Testing Day,…
National Institutes of Health research "that requires new acquisition of fetal tissue from elective abortions will not be conducted," the Department of Health and Human Services says.
President Trump announced a new plan to end the HIV epidemic in America by 2030 in his State of the Union address Tuesday. Ohio is one major target of the…
Eight investigators from the Centers for Disease Control are in Greater Cincinnati for the next several weeks trying to determine similarities in HIV...
Health services for transgender and gender non-conforming people are now available in Columbus.Mozaic offers free HIV, including services that help build…