The federal government is taking action to pull many flavored products popular with kids off the market. Public health advocates say the move doesn't go far enough.
The U.S. judge found that the Trump administration's rule violates the law in "numerous, fundamental, and far-reaching" ways. Critics said the rule prioritized providers over patients.
Researchers say chronic pain patients can feel suicidal or risk overdose when taken off medication too quickly. The warnings seek to course-correct after doctors felt pressured to taper drugs rapidly.
The administration called on other nations to oppose efforts to promote access to abortion. Dozens of other countries signed a competing statement supporting sexual and reproductive health care.
Two Planned Parenthood offices in the Cincinnati area are closing their doors following the Trump administration’s Title X “gag rule.”Kersha Deibel,…
Many clinics that provide family planning services still rely on Title X funding. Their doctors worry about what they can say to patients about abortion under new rules.
Ohio University received a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help increase health providers in areas hit hardest by the…
Planned Parenthood says it will no longer provide birth control, HIV and STD testing and other health services with federal money known as Title X…
The organization says it is leaving the federal family planning program because of rule changes that prohibit its grantees from providing or referring most patients for abortion.
Planned Parenthood officials asked for a stay against new Trump administration rules that forbid organizations receiving Title X funds to provide or refer patients for abortion.