A former Facebook employee compared the social network to Big Tobacco at a Senate hear17%ing on Tuesday, saying the company has hidden what it knows about the problems its products cause.
Business & EconomyFacebook said late Monday that "the root cause of this outage was a faulty configuration change" and that there is "no evidence that user data was compromised as a result" of the outage.
While the panel upheld Facebook's suspension of the former president, it said the company's indefinite ban was wrong and gave Facebook six months to either ban Trump permanently or reinstate him.
The pandemic has magnified economic and digital inequities and inspired groups to find innovative ways to bridge them.Neighbor Relief is one such…
The move is the most severe punishment any social media company has taken in response to Trump, who used online platforms to encourage the violent mob that stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.
The state and federal officials say Facebook's acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram violated competition laws and served to stifle rivals by giving the social network an unfair advantage.
A House of Representatives subcommittee report issued on October 6 condemned Big Tech’s grip on the industry, saying the power it wields hurts innovation…
The move is a reversal of Facebook's longstanding reluctance to block problematic content. Critics say public health misinformation has flourished on the social network.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who previously considered such claims free speech, said his thinking has "evolved." Survivors had lobbied the social network to remove posts that deny the Holocaust.
House Democrats recommend Congress look at ways to force the companies to split off some of their businesses, saying the tech giants have exploited their power to benefit themselves and hurt rivals.