Biden signed 15 executive actions on priorities including COVID-19, climate change, racial justice — and a rollback of some Trump rules.
The actions for Day 1 were laid out in a memo by his chief of staff. The president-elect will extend pauses on student loan payments and evictions, plus send an immigration bill to Congress.
Landlords have filed evictions in over 5,000 cases in Hamilton County this year. But since September, tenants have been able to stave off being kicked...
A federal moratorium on evictions is set to expire on Dec. 31. Kathryn Leifheit of UCLA says new data suggest evictions are linked to increases in coronavirus cases and deaths.
A bipartisan group of senators is proposing a nearly $908 billion compromise relief bill with millions of Americans about to fall off a cliff when benefits expire this month.
According to a Financial Empowerment Roadmap released by the city of Columbus, residents of color are in greater debt and have less wealth than the city's…
Franklin County was the last county in Ohio to allow evictions to take place without the landlord showing up in court. That has now changed. The Tenth…
Columbus-area landlord Andrew Levering is questioning why the CDC's national moratorium on evictions, ordered by the Trump administration through the end…
The move could prevent millions of evictions that housing advocates warn are looming as people who have lost work run out of money. Landlord groups want to know who will pay for the lost rent.
Federal and state eviction bans, put in place during the pandemic, have lapsed. President Trump's executive order to prevent evictions isn't enough and Congress needs to act, housing activists say.