Workers who were recently laid off from General Motors’ Lordstown plant likely will not be among those to benefit from the production of a new electric vehicle (at least not this year), according to GM spokeswoman Cheryl McCarron.
Governor Mike DeWine has proposed an 18-cents-per-gallon tax increase to help fund road and bridge maintenance and construction. The House responded to…
The vast majority of American cars run on gasoline. But analysts say that's poised to change as electric vehicles take over the market — albeit not as quickly as environmental activists might like.
The money to pay for ODOT's big road construction projects has run out. So Gov. Mike DeWine has put together a panel to make recommendations on where to…
Columbus will hold a "Smart Mobility Block Party" and the grand opening of the Smart Columbus Experience Center for the general public on Saturday.The…
For the first time, The Ohio State University on Thurday gave the public a chance to test out electric vehicles for themselves.Around 250 Ohio State…
Columbus City Council plans to enact a new code on Monday that will allow microtransit vehicles - bigger than cars, but smaller than buses or trains - to…
There’s more than one-way to power an electric vehicle. The one most people are probably familiar with is through batteries. However, there’s another way…
On Thursday afternoon, employees at AEP headquarters test-drove some of the latest electric car models on the market as a way to promote the corporation's…