Emerging data from COVID-19 cases show skin symptoms are potentially associated with coronavirus infection. Cleveland Clinic dermatologists Drs. Sarah Young and Anthony Fernandez recently published a study detailing several common skin symptoms in COVID-19 patients, such as hives and rashes. They looked at research from Europe. Fernandez said he's seen some of these symptoms in patients at the Cleveland Clinic as well.
The Democratic leader of the Ohio House, state Rep. Emilia Sykes (D-Akron), says the state has not done enough to address the disproportionate effect…
The race is on. What will it take to develop, test and distribute a safe and effective vaccine?
After moving to allow testing of asymptomatic people from ethnic minority groups disproportionately affected by COVID-19, the CDC this week removed all…
As part of WOSU’s ongoing COVID-19 coverage, we asked listeners to share their questions with us about the illness and Ohio's response. Now we have some…
Telemedicine has its limits. And postponing shots could lead to a resurgence of diseases like measles. Doctors are taking steps to make their offices safe for kids who need to come in.
The U.S. also has more than 57,000 deaths, just months after the coronavirus was identified.
Some people stand too close, or jog without masks, or go so far in their defiance as to throw "coronavirus parties." What should you do if you see people who are not maintaining social distance?
The Centers for Disease Control now recognizes chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell as symptoms of the disease.
Scientists and doctors noticed several weeks ago there seemed to be anecdotal evidence of a connection between the coronavirus and patients showing up...