Taft IT High School is launching what Cincinnati Public Schools believes is the first-in-the-country cybersecurity certificate program.
Around 60 Central Ohio students will come to Columbus State Community College for "capture the flag" on Friday. But it's not like the schoolyard game many…
Learn the difference between cyber crime and cyber security and how to protect yourself online. Also, get insider information on the pros and cons of…
A security researcher discovered massive troves of information about 198 million potential American voters stored on an Amazon server without as much as a password.
Cyber security experts from around the country gather in Lewis Center on Friday for a conference on how to prevent and mitigate cyber attacks.The…
Every day businesses and governments are taking on a growing danger that isn’t playing out through physical aggression but through digital attacks. The...
The release includes thousands of pages of user manuals, support guides and other documents that appear to describe CIA hacking efforts. WikiLeaks says it is choosing not to release the code itself.
Though typically "hacker" comes with a negative connotation, some hackers can actually help point out flaws in cyber security. However, sometimes…
This hour we are talking with Alec Ross, former Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. We'll discuss Ross' new book, The…