The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority is ending a contract with CGI to manage rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program after years of complaints from renters and landlords.
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority approved several new projects at its board meeting last week. CMHA is building a new development, buying three recently built housing projects and purchasing some downtown office space.
Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority representatives said in May they planned to drop the contractor they hired to manage their rental subsidy program – but now, they’re walking back those statements. Now, CMHA reps say they haven’t made a decision.
After his latest raise, Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority's CEO Charles Hillman is the highest paid head of a housing authority in the country at $550,000 per year. He's paid more than people in charge of the largest housing authorities in the country.
An audit by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's inspector general found that families lived in housing units that weren't "decent, safe, and sanitary."
The Rosewind Apartments, a low-income housing complex in Columbus’ South Linden neighborhood, is about to undergo a $13.7 million transformation, with…