Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is set to visit a public school in Ohio with the president of a national teachers union, who has been among her most vocal…
The Ohio School Superintendent plans to hold off on submitting the state’s new education plan to the federal government next month. The move comes the…
Denver's innovative approach to school choice gets high marks from many parents and pundits. The program also raises questions about the limitations of choice in narrowing access and equity gaps.
The controversy over President Trump's education secretary has brought new interest in seeking local office.
The first few weeks of the Trump administration have been busy and controversial. His picks for Education Secretary and Attorney General have received…
Rob Portman followed through on promises Tuesday in voting to confirm Betsy DeVos as the country’s next Secretary of Education. The junior Senator from…
Mike Pence is not the first vice president to break any Senate tie, though; the right gives vice presidents a rare chance to be in the limelight and cast a consequential vote that makes a difference.
The most controversial Cabinet pick in recent memory squeaks through with some help from Vice President Pence. Here are some implications for higher education, school choice and more.
People from both sides of the aisle have come close to scuttling the nomination of the Michigan philanthropist to be secretary of education.
"Tax credit scholarships" are a twist on vouchers. Florida's program is one of the largest in the country, serving 92,000 students.