The new statewide smoking ban which took effect earlier this month is changing what is served in lounges geared toward smokers. In Columbus, at least one…
Columbus voters have once again ratified the city's smoking ban. They turned down a move to allow smoking in bars and taverns. They rejected an amended…
In two weeks, Columbus voters will be asked to do what Toledo voters did in November - change the city's smoking ban.Toledo voters chose to exempt bars…
The Columbus smoking ban could be going back before the voters. Bar and restaurant owners Wednesday turned petitions to force the issue back on the…
The city of Columbus Smoking Ban went into effect yesterday. City health officials say they've received a few complaints, but generally they say people…
The city of Columbus smoking ban went into effect at the strike of 12 last night. Bar and restaurant owners don't yet know how the ban will effect their…
The Columbus smoking ban goes into effect on Monday. And many bar and restaurant owners still have questions about how the ordinance will affect them. The…
Columbus religious leaders are getting behind the effort to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and bowling alleys. At a prayer breakfast Wednesday morning,…