Classical 101Recent headlines have brought to light allegations of sexual misconduct in the arts and entertainment realm. This month, the world premiere of an opera…
Classical 101Teamwork is the name of the game at Denison University’s TUTTI New Music Festival this year.Musicians and athletes will explore together the key…
Classical 101Judging by their instruments – piano, bass and drums – you might think they’re a standard jazz trio. But there’s nothing standard about the contemporary…
Classical 101Columbus Composer Dr. Mark Lomax had ambitious goals for his musical cycle 400: An Afrikan Epic – to heal wounds and release people from the devastating…
Classical 101It was a fateful trip to the art museum.That trip decades ago, when Derek Bermel was just a kid - long before he became an award-winning composer and…
Classical 101She was a late bloomer in a world with a historically high population of prodigies.Composer Jennifer Higdon started studying music seriously during her…
Classical 101Six years ago, fifty bucks and an outside-the-box choir helped Caroline Shaw become the youngest person to win the Pulitzer Prize for music. Here's a look…
Classical 101It’s jarring to hear a honking car horn. But on the streets of Paris, honking horns – like good wine, café au lait and the Gallic shrug – are just a part…
Classical 101Question: How can music by women composers be performed on more concerts?Answer: Perform it.That’s what the Columbus-based string quartet Chamber Brews is…
Classical 101Columbus conductor and clarinetist Antoine Clark wants women musicians and musicians of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds to be heard.Clark is…