This episode originally aired on December 16, 2019.Teflon was discovered in 1938 as part of the Manhattan Project.50 years later, it was a household…
This episode originally aired on December 5, 2019.On Easter Monday in 1930, a fire trapped hundreds of inmates in the aging Ohio Penitentiary just minutes…
This episode originally aired on March 9, 2020.Eliese Goldbach never dreamt that the ArcelorMittal steel mill she passed often as a child growing up in…
This episode originally aired on January 2, 2020.When it was launched 30 years ago, the Hubble Space Telescope was set to revolutionize our understanding…
This episode originally aired on June 18, 2020.In the summer of 1964, a mob of the Ku Klux Klan murdered three civil rights workers in the tragic episode…
This episode originally aired on December 16, 2019.Teflon was discovered in 1938 as part of the Manhattan Project.50 years later, it was a household…
This episode originally aired on December 5, 2019.On Easter Monday in 1930, a fire trapped hundreds of inmates in the aging Ohio Penitentiary just minutes…
This episode originally aired on March 9, 2020.Eliese Goldbach never dreamt that the ArcelorMittal steel mill she passed often as a child growing up in…
This episode originally aired on January 2, 2020.When it was launched 30 years ago, the Hubble Space Telescope was set to revolutionize our understanding…