The state budget is a sea of red, as income and sales tax collections are less than half of what was predicted for this month. But tax revenue from…
Ohioans bought 1.36 million gallons of liquor in March, a nearly 25 percent increase over the same period last year.More of us are leaning on alcohol to…
Ohio restaurants have not been able to serve mixed drinks and straight liquor since the state put a stop to in-person dining last month. Now, the state is…
In addition to producing bourbon, gin and other liquors, Columbus distillery Watershed is now making and selling its own hand sanitizer. When Gov. Mike…
Nearly 73,000 people died from liver disease and other alcohol-related illnesses in 2017, up from just under 36,000 deaths in 1999. Alcohol was even more deadly than illicit drugs, including opioids.
Central Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous will be holding a non-stop meeting through the end of 2019. It's part of a larger "Alkathon," a continuous drop-in…
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Volstead Act, which banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of liquor in the U.S. In the era that…
Two Ohio lawmakers want to loosen state restrictions on alcohol. The bipartisan legislation they are proposing would make it easier for churches and…
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Volstead Act, which banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of liquor in the U.S. In the era that…
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Volstead Act which banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of liquor in the U.S. In the era that…