Columbus City Council votes on a resolution Monday to consider rezoning a three-mile stretch of Route 161 in the Northland area.
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority is ending a contract with CGI to manage rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program after years of complaints from renters and landlords.
Rural homelessness is rising in Ohio. In Wayne County, advocates point to lack of affordable housingIn January, volunteers and outreach groups across the country are conducting the annual Point-In-Time Count, a federally mandated survey of individuals experiencing homelessness.
Health, Science & EnvironmentIt’s estimated the Baby Boom generation is retiring at a rate of 10,000 people per day. The number of people over the age of 80 is projected to triple by 2050.
Health, Science & EnvironmentThe Community Shelter Board will lead the annual point-in-time count for people experiencing homelessness in Franklin County.
Ohio organizations from Cincinnati to Toledo hope to build tiny home villages for homeless and housing insecure veterans.
Affordability restrictions for about 14,000 rental homes in the state will expire in the next five years.
The Regional Housing Coalition will be a public-private partnership aiming to help build 200,000 homes and 80,000 affordable homes in the next 10 years.
Health, Science & EnvironmentVeteran homelessness is at a record low nationwide since measurements began in 2009. And it is down 5% in Ohio since 2023.
Health, Science & EnvironmentThe Columbus Foundation's 2024 Benchmarking Central Ohio report looks at factors that impact personal prosperity and community wellbeing.